Monday, 13 June 2016

Beccles Triathlon 5th June 2016.

Again, I delayed my blog whilst I waited on some images from the event, which have been slow in coming forward. I can't complain though, as the website is run by volunteers.
As the images are still trickling through, I'll wait and revisit this blog, once the swim etc, have been uploaded and I can a full compliment of photos. ;)
So, to the nitty gritty... The race.
I really was looking forward to this race, after last years debacle, when I forgot to bring my helmet with me!...
Following a weeks build up, promising great weather for the Sunday, I was buzzing on race morning.
A little cool and cloudy as we racked the bikes in transition, but the Sun broke through just as the official starter raised his gun!
The swim format had changed for this year, bringing the distance down slightly, but also setting everyone off at 30 second intervals (slowest first), one after another, swimming up and down each lane, before ducking under the floats and continuing. The Lido is the best setting I've been to, for a pool based swim, and with the Sun beating down, Shaun doing his bit as compare/ commentator, it really did make for a great experience, as I waited my time to start.
Water temperature was just right. I was called into the water, to prepare for my start, with 30 seconds to spare. With a final 5 second countdown, I was away. There'd been a 2 minute gap left between myself and the previous competitor (club mate Stan Swanepoel), which made it difficult for me to try and judge my pace from his.
As it was, my swim was awful! At the time I felt as though the swim was going very well, as I tried to keep my technique good. Reality was, as I concentrated on the technique, I really did drop the the pace. I am certainly not the best of swimmers, and only later did I discover that I had swam at almost 3:00/ 100m... I normally train at 2:00/ 100m! (Gutted!) Time - 12:22

Finally, out of the water, I headed to T1. I managed to keep T1 time to a minimum (1:26). Lid on, number on, grabbed bike and ran.
Over the 'Mount Line' I jumped on the bike and was off, as I struggled to get my feet in the shoes, just managing to get them done up, before I needed to unclip at the mandatory foot down junction.
My 'faux pas' for today's race, was to leave my Garmin 500/ 800 at home! Not being able to see the numbers in front of me, left me to ride off feel, which I'm shit at!
Out of the town and the bike course was very good. The first part being mainly flat and open, with a series of lumps to test your legs as you near transition, again, which, as I had thought, was a little later than planned. Time 38:47.
Bike racked, lid off, shoes on and I was off, exiting T2 with just over 4 miles to run (1:26). Despite having suffered a tight Achilles in the approach to the race, I never felt any of it during the run. Happy to be picking off runners ahead of me, I felt it was all going well. The uphill approach to the finish line was just enough to sap any idea of a sprint finish out of my legs! Time 30:30.

Final time - 1:24:34. (2nd AG).

Great event, hosted by a great club. Big thank you to the Army and Navy Cadet forces, as well as the rest of the volunteer marshals.

Next stop, Fritton Standard...

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